In Eastern healing techniques the flow of energy through the meridians is vital. Dr. Best Chiropractor will assess these energy points and also uses Theta Therapy to unlock core beliefs that may be sabotaging your health.
Have you looked at Quantum Physics?
A great little introduction to quantum physics is the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know” and it explained how something like Thetahealing, meditation and visualization works at the quantum level.
The science shows at this quantum level that even then tiniest particles (photons) react as merely be observed causes them to shift from a wave form to a particle form.
In other words, when under observation, electrons are being “forced” to behave like particles and not like waves.
In energy healing modalities, like thetahealing or reiki, the practitioner becomes the observer focused intent to create balance in the body.
In Eastern healing techniques the flow of energy through the meridians is vital. Dr. Best Chiropractor will assess these energy points and also uses Theta Therapy to unlock core beliefs that may be sabotaging your health.
Now more than ever, we are living in unprecedented times, which is why it’s so important to take care of your body. We must go further in creating routine around self-care to combat the hidden stressors we are living with. From the Covid virus to civil unrest and the lack of human contact and mobility in our lives. All of this creates a mountain of stress in our body and we need ways to get it out:
1) exercise
2) interpersonal relationships
3) chiropractic/acupuncture
4) nutrition.
Let us help you release this stress. CALL NOW