Applied Kinesiology

Dr. Ken Best, D.C. has been practicing Applied Kinesiology since 1990, when he completed his first 300 hours of study.  Dr. Best, D.C. went on to study with the founder of Applied Kinesiology Dr. George Goodheart, D.C. and then continued to assist teaching the ICAK Applied Kinesiology course with Dr. Robert Blaich, D.C. for 7 years teaching hundreds of other doctors the art and science behind Applied Kinesiology. test

Applied Kinesiology is tool used to look at these imbalances illuminated through the muscular system.

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What is the educational background of an applied kinesiologist?

It takes hundreds of hours of study and years of practice to perfect the multitude of diagnostic techniques that have been developed in AK. In fact, any AK practitioner will tell you that s/he is constantly refining and developing manual muscle testing skills and the interpretation of the test results.

At first glance, muscle testing appears easy, fascinating and impressive. The ability to test muscles, however, requires specific techniques, sensitivity and objectivity. Once the muscle testing skill has been developed, it becomes necessary to interpret the outcome of the test. Interpreting the results requires the years of training that qualifies one as a licensed physician. Therefore, applied kinesiology is only taught to persons licensed to diagnose in the health care field.

To practice AK, one must take a basic course that takes over 100 hours of classroom study and practice to complete. A basic proficiency exam in AK must be passed at the end of the course. A minimum of 300 hours of AK instruction, passage of written and oral examinations, and submission of two original research papers are required to reach the next step; becoming a diplomate of the International Board of Applied Kinesiology (DIBAK). A diplomate represents the highest level of certification in AK.

Does Applied Kinesiology replace standard examinations ?

Applied kinesiology is used in addition to standard diagnostics to help determine the cause of a health problem. For example, with certain conditions like hypoglycemia, there will be muscle patterns of weakness or strength found with AK. However, these same patterns could be present because of another nervous system problem such as disease or some type of adaptation.

Only an adequate history of the person, together with standard examination procedures and laboratory findings, will indicate the proper treatment course. Therefore, people performing a simple muscle test and diagnosing what vitamins are needed or other information about health without standard examination is inappropriate. This is making health decisions well beyond what a simple muscle test can determine and actually may be harmful.

The determination of your need for dietary supplements requires knowledge of your symptoms along with an examination for known physical signs of imbalances and a dietary history. Blood, urine, saliva or stool analyses may be added to the foregoing. An applied kinesiology examination provides additional information and can help to determine what is missing and needs supplementation. Using applied kinesiology, a doctor can often determine which of the many available laboratory tests are the most appropriate to be performed. This can result in a more effective diagnosis while at the same time reducing health care costs.

Who is eligible to attend a course on Applied Kinesiology?

The International College of Applied Kinesiology and the courses offered by the College are only open to those individuals who are health care practitioners, licensed to diagnose, or students enrolled in an accredited college program who, upon completion, will be granted a license to diagnose.

Neck Pain and Whiplash

Many people are afraid of the traditional chiropractic adjustments to the neck . . . don’t worry Dr. Best Chiropractor offers low-force and non-force techniques to reestablish normal movement back into the neck and the entire spine. Adjustments to the neck can are tailored to an individuals needs as well as what they are personally comfortable with. Neck pain is best treated by a chiropractor in the early stages before it becomes degenerative.

Whiplash commonly caused by an auto accident is often ignored by many people thinking the pain and soreness will go away on its own; often the pain will go away but the underlying problem becomes worse over the next few years resulting in degenerative conditions. Serious injuries like a car accident should not be overlooked.

Arthritic Joint Pain

Nutrition can play an important role in reducing symptoms of arthritic joints. The key is to increasing joint flexibility while reducing pain and inflammation with cold laser therapy, and balanced muscular structure around the joint.
Knee injuries and shoulder injuries are common problems where often surgery can be avoided with early treatment. Vibration training may be used to rehabilitate injured joints, ligaments and muscles.
Often a simple sprained ankle left untreated, for example, becomes a “weak link” with re-injury to the area on regular basis. It may also cause favoritism of a limb leading to other injuries and degenerative conditions.

Headaches And Migraines

Tension headaches are the most common headaches helped by a chiropractor. Tension headaches usually arise from trigger points in the muscles behind the neck, at the base of the skull or in the upper back. Activation of these points refer pain which goes up the neck often up and around the base of the head to the eye. Trigger point therapy and adjusting the neck by a chiropractor gives relief to these factors. Migraines and their origin may be more difficult to pinpoint, often arising from emotional, food sensitivity or other allergy triggers. Dr. Best Chiropractor is skilled at finding many of these underlying triggers relieving the the frequency and duration of migraines.

Sports Injuries

Dr. Best Chiropractor specializes in sports injuries and has worked with Olympic and professional athletes to martial artists and personal trainers.

Dr. Best Chiropractor has unique approach to realigning the muscular system and the joints in the extremities through Applied Kinesiology and laser therapy.

Did you know in the shoulder girdle alone there are 17 muscles that have to work in concert with each other or joint pain can easily develop.

Back Pain And Sciatica

You may have never realized how chronic or intermittent back pain can make your life miserable. Chiropractors may help relieve your pain whether it is caused by an acute injury a simple misalignment of the spine. Chiropractic works to treat low back pain that may radiate throughout the spine by finding the treatment that works for you. Chiropractors are licensed to use cold laser therapy for acute pain which is due to inflammation.

Wellness Care During Pregnancy

Did you know that keep your body aligned can make a difference to your physical health and your baby to be? Safe and gentle adjustments during pregnancy may alleviate not only back pain, hip pain, knee pain but reduce the overall stress of being pregnant.

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